Best Candidate Hair
Hair enthusiasts lamenting the suspension of John Edwards' campaign will be happy to know there's a gubernatorial candidate, also from North Carolina, with even better hair:
UPDATE (4/28/08): Check out Munger's comment below; he actually had a very good reason for growing his hair out. I hadn't realized that before and hereby apologize, although it seems he kept a good sense of humor about his hair.
How much is the carpet company paying for the Product Placement Fee?
One funny thing is that underneath the hair, this guy has a very solid, square-jawed look to him that would presumably work well in a political campaign. It's like he's sabotaging his campaign by his grooming choices. Well, that, and by hooking up with the Libertarian party.
My wife had cancer. Five operations, pretty sick.
I grew my hair out to donate it to "Locks of Love."
Hair is much shorter now.
I should change the picture, I suppose.
YOU may enjoy these pictures....
With best wishes,
Mike Munger
Chair, Political Science
Duke University
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